First, open the Run command by pressing the windows key and the ‘ R‘ keys together.Improper network settings often lead to downloading image errors! In such cases, changing the local network settings, especially the DNS Servers, may solve the issue altogether! How to Fix Discord Images Not Loading Issue Method 1: Change your DNS Servers If the discord server is down, images will not load properly.Client-side discord settings prohibit image download.Sometimes firewalls can also block the resource link, leading to image-loading errors.In case of improper internet settings, it is quite common.It can happen if the bandwidth is too low or your home network has too many devices, leading to poor-quality internet service. An unstable internet connection often leads to a discord image error.If the received image file is too large, it may not load properly in discord.Method 6: Clear the Cache of the Discord AppĮxperts have found a few probable causes for the discord image loading error including.Method 3: Turn off Windows Defender Firewall.How to get a direct message from any member of all the available discord servers.How to get a Direct Message from a Particular User of a Specific Server.Method 2: Adjust the Privacy Settings in Discord.How to Fix Discord Images Not Loading Issue.